Reviving linmob!

This place [linmob] has been silent for about 10 months – but now it is being revived. It´s not that I didn´t blog about tech, I did (at my personal blog but that didn´t work out to well, I was really lazy over there.

A few days ago I suddenly remembered this old blog and started with repairing it´s layout, which had been broken for quite a long time – and then decided that it would be fun to start “blogging” again, and as I´ ve still been publishing little stupid stories at another place, I realized that the “blogging” I had in mind was techblogging. So linmob had to be revived, because this has been the place where I published quite a some tech related things – just for fun.

I am not yet sure how this will turn out, it´s possible that I will stop writing here in a year or half a year – I will try to do a good job and thus follow an edititorial plan, which might kill the fun – but doing something without a concept just doesn´t feel good to me.

First of all there will be some crossposts from brimborium – I call it filling the gap.

More on the plans i have may follow later on.

This is a crossposting. will survive this, don´t worry.