When I realized how well Google ranked Blogs running WordPress with very little optimization in 2006, I was amazed and also surprised. Yes, there were some great blogs, but this way of ranking also jazzed up not so great blogs, including my own.
In 2015, or rather since July 1st, 2013 this has changed, as Marco Arment points out:
→ Marco.org | Google and blogs: “Shit.”
Empfehlungen der Woche (1)
This is not a thursdays thing, that’s why I do it on thursdays.
The Verge: Small Empires 010: Squarespace
This is the first episode of “Small Empires” I really watched, because Squarespace is one of the few web companies I really admire, even though I didn’t really realise that they are around when I read on BinaryBonsai.
fefes blog: Die Arbeitsgruppe “Digitale Agenda” der Großen Koalition …Treffender Kommentar zu den “allen Schülern ein Smartphone”-Plänen der angehenden GroKo. Noch dazu von einem, der gewiss kein “Technikfeind” ist…
There would be more, but I consider these enough for now.