While I am preparing a (final?) write up regarding the Palm Pre (a lenghty and boring like/dislike story), I feel like promoting another blog. It’s the blog of ao2, whom I met when I was following the OpenEZX project, a project that aims to free Motorola’s EZX devices. Today I happened to run into a new blog post of him about a local Naples frozen food company’s logo which looks kind of familiar to anyone who is into the whole Linux thing. Whether there are legal issues or not (I don’t have the time to do lenghty investigations on this right now) Antonio also mentions that the Italian government, whose actions partly seem like a neverending soap opera (from what we hear in Germany) apparently cares a bit about the environment: In 2011 Italy will abandon plastic bags replacing them by biodegreeable ones.
In fact I am quite surprised, that the conservative italian government does something like this, even though it occurs that this is EU related, besides organisations like the UN are fighting plastic bags as well. I would have doubted that a conservative government like the italian one would start implementing and enforcing a law like this unless the whole Tyrrhenian Sea being a giant garbage patch.