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Hello, my name is Peter Mack and I live in Germany.
Born about 15 years prior to the millenium, I went online first around the very same millenium. Unfortunately, I can’t really say when exactly that was, but it was the age of Netscape 4.something. Pretty soon after that I built my first webpage, hosted at ICQ. Luckily that stuff is long since gone. In late 2004 I then set up my first blog, powered by WordPress 1.2 at a free hosting service called funpic.de. The blog was called p3t3r’s txtblog. I wrote about technology, politics and culture, or, to stick more to the truth, everything I thought I should comment on until I halted txtblog in mid 2007. Later on, I started to blog about Linux on mobile devices, specifically about Motorolas line of EZX phones and also about Openmoko, which was a great project, and to the day the truly open source phone project with the most momentum. That blog went to become linmob.net and let me to attend CeBIT several times. During the same time, I tried to rekindle txtblog. My idea was to bring in friends, but as I myself didn’t manage to stick to any kind of schedule, it’s not them who are to be blamed that this endeavour failed. |
Hallo, mein Name ist Peter Mack.
Ich bin knappe 15 Jahre vorm letzten Millenium geboren und kurz vor diesem zum ersten Mal online gegangen. Leider habe ich vergessen, an welchem Tag ich zum ersten Mal im Internet surfte, aber ich erinnere mich, dass damals Netscape 4.x ein akzeptabler Browser war. Sehr bald darauf hatte ich schon eine erste Webseite, bei ICQ gehostet. Zum Glück sind diese frühen Versuche seit langem verschollen. |