Announcement: Books.

As I don´t feel like sharing my personal opinions here, I had to think about what else to write about, and as I love culture, I really liked the idea of a good friend to write about books. This will happen in german – as most books I read are written in my german mother tongue – whenever I read a book in english though, I will of course review it in english.

Da es hier in der letzten Zeit eher ruhig war und ich keinen besonderen Drang verspüre, meine persönlichen Meinungen zu verschiedensten aktuellen Ereignissen hier abzulegen. Deswegen wird es hier demnächst vor allem Buchrezensionen geben – vorwiegend auf Deutsch.

Reviving linmob!

This place [linmob] has been silent for about 10 months – but now it is being revived. It´s not that I didn´t blog about tech, I did (at my personal blog but that didn´t work out to well, I was really lazy over there.

A few days ago I suddenly remembered this old blog and started with repairing it´s layout, which had been broken for quite a long time – and then decided that it would be fun to start “blogging” again, and as I´ ve still been publishing little stupid stories at another place, I realized that the “blogging” I had in mind was techblogging. So linmob had to be revived, because this has been the place where I published quite a some tech related things – just for fun.

I am not yet sure how this will turn out, it´s possible that I will stop writing here in a year or half a year – I will try to do a good job and thus follow an edititorial plan, which might kill the fun – but doing something without a concept just doesn´t feel good to me.

First of all there will be some crossposts from brimborium – I call it filling the gap.

More on the plans i have may follow later on.

This is a crossposting. will survive this, don´t worry.